Do we need lawyer's services when buying in Portugal


When buying property through a registered real estate agency (license, AMI number), is it necessary or recommended to use a lawyer’s services?
According to a Portuguese real estate agent, following legislation changes around 2006, it’s now the notary who has the legal authority (similar to Belgium and France, I suppose), and hiring a lawyer no longer provides any additional guarantee regarding the verification of official documents, etc.

Only a translator might be needed to fully understand all the terms of a preliminary sale agreement and the final deed (sale conclusion). Unlike a lawyer, a translator is responsible for the accuracy and precision of the translation.

Based on your recent property buying experience, can you confirm or deny this statement?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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Hi Arthur!

I don’t have the experience of purchasing a property myself, but maybe what I’ll tell you will help you.

Officially, you don’t need a lawyer for this; the translator will suffice.

However, if you want to feel safer and make sure you know all the bits and pieces of the contract, I would recommend that you hire a solicitor who knows English and who could also provide a panorama on a tax consultancy to inform authorities about income, if requested. This approach eliminates the need for a translator and ensures comprehensive coverage against any potential misunderstandings.

I wish I could help a bit more; if you still have any doubt, feel free to post it here! We will do our best to answer it.

Good luck!

Hola Arturo
Te recomiendo que si recuras a un abogado por que aqui en Portugal por lo que estado viendo cada provincia es distinta a la hora de licencias por tema de comprar una vivienda o un terreno, es importante que las escrituras estén bien, por que hay mucha gente que al ser herencias sus escrituras no están bien y puedes tener problemas o te venden un terreno donde luego no puedes construir. Las viviendas la mayoría se pueden reformar pero nunca ampliar en todas las zonas.
Si tienes alguna duda me dices, por que estado investigando mucho y me comprado una propiedad.
Tampoco te fies de las inmobiliarias por que te dicen que si si y luego el problema para ti.
Un Saludo