Seeking Advice: Cheapest Rental Options in Lisbon Area

Hey everyone! I’m planning to move to Portugal and am looking for the cheapest rental options in the Lisbon area. Any recommendations or tips on where to find affordable housing would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your help!

Hey there!

That’s quite hard, unfortunately. You can try Olx or CustoJusto; however, there are several scams on both, and the conditions are usually not good. We don’t recommend looking for accommodations there.

Safer websites with lower prices are Imovirtual and Idealista; both also have scams, but in a reduced number.

Avoid paying for a place upfront without a visit or a video call with the landlord showing the location and a contract.

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Hey Linda,
Thanks a bunch for sharing your thoughts on this. It’s tough out there, but your tips on where to look and what to watch out for are really helpful. It’s great to have someone looking out for us!

Iranka DM.