Working as a courier for Glovo/UberEats/Bolt in Portugal

Hey guys, i arrived in Portugal a little bit over a month ago.
I’m looking to start working as a courier, however i need to open a CAE 53200 if not mistaken, and i’m not able to do so on the Finanças portal as i’m not a european resident.
Does anyone know how to proceed?
Also, do i need to have a manifestação de interesse in order to start working as a courier, or can i work and then do the manifestation later on?
Hopefully i explained myself correctly here


Hi there, Otto!

You won’t need the Manifestação in place for that, but I would recommend applying for it sooner rather than later. But you do need a Portuguese address.

As you are already in Portugal, I recommend you go to your local Junta da Freguesia, request the address proof, and ask two neighbors (who must be Portuguese citizens) to sign and attest that you live where you live.

You can also ask your landlord to include your name in the lease. If none of that works, you can try asking a very trusted friend who already has their NIF registered in a Portuguese address to be your fiscal representative; this way, they can request your CAE opening.

Why is it necessary to be a trusted person? They will be responsible for handling the information and taxes related to your freelance position as a courier.

Best of luck on your arrival!


Thanks for your answer!
I already have a lease on my name, so i would think that should suffice.
Also, for this i just realized that i need to change my morada fiscal, could you please indicate me on how to do so?
Thank you again for your answer

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You can either request directly at a local Finanças office or through your login area in Finanças Portal, using the instructions here, or you can take a look at our new product: Update your NIF Address.